25 thoughts on “Howson playoff goal (Carlisle v Leeds)”

  1. I went fucking mad!
    Even though it was for Play-off’s League one, still was one of my favourite goals. Just for the reaction, and timing.

  2. @spacecowboy7580 Awesome, good to know that many scum actually know who I am 🙂

  3. i dont get y the fuck does every 1 or any other teams hate leeds n say the scum on internet or at elland road or even if not playin us or not in r league or never played us before n y mouth it stood behined stewards or police n wot the fuck av leeds utd done to any of ya so best thing is shut fuck up n watch ya team play so wots fuckin point its a game football u sad bastards leeds leeds leeds 4 ever

  4. Well whether you can or not..I bet you tried a few before you discovered it wasn’t possible.

  5. @QueenReigns1 And that just shows how mature you are..thank you sir.

    FACT : You cannot smoke someones penis. Look it up or something, yeh?

  6. @nemisis964

    Mad ??

    I’m fuckin’ furious mate..stop being so fucking thick and stop trolling on Leeds videos.

  7. @nemisis964

    You thick bastard…so he put a comment about man utd..was it on a man utd video?
    Don’t think so.
    Are you a fucking moronic troll?
    Yes you are for sure.

    UMK..an abbreviation of Ugly Manc Kid ?

  8. @BounceeHD

    League 1 Play offs semis 2nd leg (2007-2008)

    Less said about the final the better.

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